
If you’ve ever seen (or won) a prize at a Steel Jam, most likely that prize was available to you because a company in the HEMA community saw fit to off it as a donation, or for a discount. Events like ours can offer such awards because these companies go out of their way to (and their own pockets) to help make tournaments what they are, because they love and value HEMA and its participants.
Steel Jam V Sponsors:
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Previous Steel Jam Sponsors:
Sponsored: Steel Jam I, II, III, IV
The leading US supplier in HEMA equipment, training weapons, and more since 1999. Based in Houston, TX, Purpleheart Armoury is a small, family-run business that prides themselves on their customer service and has a massive selection of products. Whether you need a new SPES jacket or a custom engraved wooden waster, they’re a great resource for every swordsperson.
Sponsored: Steel Jam I, II, III, IV
SoCal Swords is a dedicated HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) school and shop in Orange County, CA. We offer competitive prices on the highest quality HEMA equipment available and provide top-tier martial arts classes with world-class instructors. Our equipment selection is curated by seasoned HEMA practitioners and instructors.
Deffner Photography is a small company run by Justin and Erika Deffner. Lifelong athletes, the two of them have combined decades of experience in competitive sports. Now that their competitive days are behind them, they want to show off the next generation of athletes by capturing their journey and highlighting their successes
Sponsored: Steel Jam III, IV
Since 2011, Sam and his crew, who share the deep love for all things swords, keep Castille Armory moving forward. Because quality and attention to detail are everything in a niche market, everyone who works at Castille Armory also fences—mostly because we love to—but it’s that hands-on approach that means we designed your sword as if it were our own. If it’s not good enough for us to use in tournament, it’s not good enough for you.
Sponsored: Steel Jam III, IV
Swoogo is a user-friendly event management platform that delivers outstanding registration, marketing, and event logistics, so you can focus on the most important part of every event: bringing people together.
Sponsored: Steel Jam IV
Wukusi Armory has help developed some of the best masks and overlays on the market, as well as an exciting line of modular fencing weapons. From the Cobra fencing mask, to the Rattlesnake overlay, their head protection is the best of the best on the HEMA market today. And with creations such as their new Gothic Sallet mask, they've opened new horizons in training options.
Sponsored: Steel Jam IV
CHFG is the maker of the Gabriel gloves, The Michael gloves, and the Raphael gloves, in addition to other HEMA protective equipment. Their innovations have helped to make fencing more comfortable, safer, and more accessible for more fencers around the world.
Sponsored: Steel Jam III
Superior Fencing is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Historical Fencing protective gear. We take safety within HEMA seriously and operate to the highest of standards. We offer affordable prices with high quality HEMA Protective Gear and shipping all over the world. Established in 2012, we manufacture our own line of HEMA equipment, as well as for different leading brands/stores in the HEMA community. Our range includes HEMA jackets, pants, gloves, mask overlays, arm protectors, leg protectors, bags, and affordable full HEMA kit packages.
Sponsored: Steel Jam III
Kvetun has risen from a little artisanal workshop to an internationally selling and industrialized specialized facility, which is recognized and loved by fencers all around the globe. Many events are run with our blades as a standard and we're very proud and happy about it. We love swords and we do what we love! Designed by HEMAists. Made in Serbia. Tested on ourselves.
Sponsored: Steel Jam III
Lowman Leatherworks was established in early 2020. What started as a personal hobby to make fun/interesting things during lockdown, turned into a business when the first singlestick guard was produced for personal use. Soon, numerous requests for more were fielded. Lowman Leatherworks makes singlestick guards, Scottish targes, vambraces, pouches, bags, leather sword tips, knife sheaths, and the occasional plague doctor mask.
Sponsored: Steel Jam III
Plasticsmith Armoury has been serving the medieval recreation community for 20 years. They are makers of high quality vacuum-formed armour from high density polyethylene. They pride themselves on producing strong, light-weight, custom armour that has been tried and tested in multiple medieval combat disciplines.